Friday, April 27, 2007

The Guillotine in Pop Culture

The Guillotine has had many references in popular culture. There are plays, movies, songs, paintings, and books about the Guillotine. One painter named Francois Topino- LeBrun was executed for being accused of plotting against Napoleon. His friend preserved his paintings, which were showed in Paris in June 1977. Movies such as Steel Angel include the Guillotine in the story. Its is about post-war west Berlin, where a young killer is in prison and goes to the Guillotine. One unexpected place of the guillotine is a toy model of the machine made by Aurora plastic company. The movies and plays of the guillotine are countless, either with it as the main subject or as a reference.

Animals and the Guillotine

During the middle ages, animals were actually imprisoned and beheaded if they disobeyed. There are records in Europe of sows being executed. One story says that a dog that was taught to howl whenever he heard the word "republican" was executed by Guillotine. Animals were also used as executioners. In sixth-century Scotland, cows were used to release the blade of the Scottish Maiden with their mouths, killing cattle thieves. One very odd invention was a recent "Rat Guillotine" used to kill small rodents.

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